The updated lighting at Akaa Pharmacy improves the comfort of customers and staff

已选参考, Retail premises by Testiyritys Sepon suunnittelu, 11.4.2024

Finlight implemented the lighting renovation project for Akaa Pharmacy. The pharmacy's customer area lighting was uneven in places, and the high energy consumption of the old fixtures resulted in unwanted costs.

Finlight supplied and installed new lighting in the pharmacy's customer areas. Old fixtures were replaced with energy-efficient, ceiling-recessed FL-BACK LED light panels, achieving even, pleasant lighting and a uniform appearance. The neutral color temperature and better color rendering ability of the new fixtures make product presentation easier and increase the comfort of shopping in the premises.

The installation of the new fixtures was carried out within the pharmacy's opening hours in such a way that it did not cause significant disruption to the customers. The new lighting has significantly improved the comfort of customers and staff, as well as aided in product presentation. Products are well highlighted by the new lighting without the need for separate spotlights.

Referenssit, myymälävalaistus

Photo: The updated lighting gives the business premises a modern look and enhances overall comfort.

Referenssit, myymälävalaistus

Photo: The neutral color temperature and good color rendering of the new fixtures help in product presentation.

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